20th edition of the UNESCO Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture

  • 2024-02-13 17:40:39

S.No.- D.O.No.2-6/2024(CPP-2)

The UNESCO has invited nominations for the zoth edition of the UNESCO- Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture. UNESCO honors and recognizes the significant contributions of individual, groups or institutions, one from the Arab States and the other from the rest of the world to the development, better understanding and dissemination of Arab culture through artistic, intellectual or promotional expression.

The prize is endowed with a sum of US $6o,ooo divided equally between the two prize winners selected on the recommendation of an international jury of experts. The Statutes of the prize and brochure are also attached for reference.

The Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) where Arabic Art, Language or Culture are being taught are encouraged to apply for the UNESCO- Sharjah Prize and forward their nominations to the Indian National Commission to UNSECO (INCCU) by 5th February, 2024.

Contact details of nodal officer in INCCU, Ms. Madhu Bala Soni, Under Secretary, Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, Room No. 203-A 'C' Wing, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, Shastri Bhavan, Nerv Delhi- 110001 (Contact No.:  011- 2338 4442; Email: inc.edu@nic.in) may be contacted. 

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