UGC letter regarding Non-Refund of Fee

  • 2024-03-04 17:46:29

It is submitted that UGC has issued notifications / guidelines / letters regarding the refund of fees which are also available on the UGC website The said notifications / guidelines are applicable to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research Programmes offered by all Universities included under Section 2(t) & 12(B) of UGC Act, 1956.

UGC has been receiving several complaints regarding non-refund of fee against many Higher Educational Institutions (HEls). UGC has requested all the HEls vide mails and reminders to act on the complaints received from the students seeking a refund of fees paid to the Institutes after those students migrated to other Institutions.

Further, your attention is also invited towards the University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023 in which at point no. 3 (f) (xiii) (copy attached) it is clearly mentioned that: 

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(I} ··grievance" means. and includes. complaint(s) made by an aggrieved student in respect of the following, namely:

xiii. ·delay in. or denial of the refund of fees due to a student who withdraws admission within the time mentioned in the prospectus. subject to guidelines. (f any. issued by the Commission. from time to time."

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In view of above, you are hereby advised to pay special attention towards fee refund of the aggrieved students and abide by UGC's guidelines / regulations issued with respect to fee refund of the students.

Non-compliance to the above shall attract punitive action as prescribed under the relevant guide( ines/regulations."

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