Glocal University PhD Synopsis, thesis, Research Paper writing, Format & Guidelines

  • 2023-09-04 18:18:16

Glocal University Topic Selection

  • Selecting a topic for a Glocal University project, research paper, or thesis can be important. The steps listed below can help you choose an appropriate subject or topic:
  • Think about your interests: To get going, think about subjects that genuinely grab your attention. Think about the classes you've taken the most, the topics you find fascinating, or the areas where you excel in a subject. Choosing a topic that aligns with your interests will keep you motivated throughout the exploration process.
  • Examine your abilities: Considering your existing knowledge and expertise in numerous fields. Think about the areas where you are confident and willing to lead exploration. You will be able to learn more about the topic and generate high quality of work.

Glocal University Research or Synopsis Writing

  • The synopsis must be submitted in three copies to the RAC/DRC and is written as a detailed proposal of the research work you will conduct to get your doctorate.
  • The summary must have a cover page (Annexure-IX), a content page, and a condensed text of between 6 and 10 pages that includes an introduction, references, objectives, a hypothesis, a statement of scope and limitations, a description of the research methodology, and the anticipated results.
  • Page Setup Paper size A4, margins of 1.5 inches on the left and 1 inches on the other sides, and line spacing of 12 points. An intended view is provided by spacing-1.5 and appropriate paragraph spacing.

Glocal University Synopsis Formation and Printing

Layout: Consider how your synopsis is presented visually. Pick an easily readable font in the right size and style. To maintain consistency in formatting, use the same font types for headings, subheadings, and body text. Make use of appropriate dividing and edge techniques to ensure a suitable format.

Select a printing method: Select the printing method that best meets your needs. If you have access to a high-quality printer, print it yourself using the right paper. On the other hand, you can use printing services offered by nearby print shops or online printing businesses. Consider printing prices, turnaround times, and print quality when selecting a printing process.

Glocal University DRC and Guide Allotment

  • The process of reviewing research projects, which normally take the form of a thesis or dissertation, is coordinated by the DRC. The DRC is often a member of the faculty or a designated academic staff member who oversees the assessment and feedback process for the research project. They oversee the entire review schedule, designate reviewers or examiners, and guarantee that the research complies with the necessary criteria.
  • The DRC plays a crucial role in guiding the student through the examination cycle, aiding them in researching any regulatory methods, and ensuring that the research work is fairly and competently evaluated.
  • The mentor or supervisor offers guidance to the student in a number of areas, such as developing research questions, developing the methodology, doing literature reviews, analyzing data, and preparing the final research report. Additionally, they offer criticism and suggestions for improving the nature of the research endeavor.

Glocal University Thesis Writing process and tips

  • As it must be presented at the same time as the thesis, a synopsis of the thesis's substance is included. The summary must include the cover page (Annexure-X) and a brief, 6–10 page body of text.
  • Only include the background, goals, procedures, hypothesis, key findings, relevance, advice, and foreseeable future in your list.
  • Setting up a page Paper: A4, Margins: 1.5 inches on the left and 1 inches on the other sides, Times New Roman 12 font, Line Paragraph spacing should be 1.5 and should reflect the intended view.

Glocal University Thesis Formatting and Printing (Complete Details)

  1. Thesis work should always be typewritten on an A4 sheet with dimensions of 21 cm x 29.7 cm.
  2. In the entire thesis, the page setup/margin should be at least 1.5 inches on the left and 1 inches on the other side.
  3. Times New Roman, 12 point, with 1.5 spacing, should be used as the typeface. Keep the typeface and line spacing consistent throughout the entire thesis.
  4. Paragraph spacing should be used to achieve the desired effect.
  5. Keep looking for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  6. Keep your attention on the amount of plagiarism that complies with UGC standards.
  7. The cover page (outer page) must have a dark or maroon backdrop and be in the color golden.
  8. The font for the cover page (outer page) and title page (inner page) must be Times New Roman, size-16 throughout the page, and the thesis title must be in UPPERCASE, Bold, and Centered with Times New Roman, size-24.
  9. Add your specific subject or discipline where it says Subject/Discipline. For instance, physics, psychology, law, and so forth.
  10. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor are the three levels of supervisory status. On the cover page or title page, avoid using administrative terms like director or HOD.
  11. In the event that the candidate has met all requirements as of the Pre submission presentation, three copies of the scholar's draft thesis must be given to the department for research. Spiral binding and two-sided printing will be used for the draft thesis. Along with a cover letter signed by the research scholar and research supervisor, a PDF copy of the thesis on a CD, along with three copies of the thesis summary, should be delivered to the university's research cell.
  12. The final thesis, which incorporates the recommendations made by the RAC during the Pre Presentation, is printed in four hardbound copies. Additionally, four hardbound copies of the thesis must be sent in to the research cell at the time of the open defense viva voce or public viva voce examination, together with any suggestions made by experts or examiners (if any). The cover page is printed using digital technology.

Glocal University Thesis Plag. Checking and Remove Process

  • Use plagiarism-checker software: Use trusted tools like Turnitin, Grammarly, or Copyscape to check your thesis for any instances of plagiarism. These tools compare your text against a huge database of academic publications, distributions, and web content to find any probable matches or similarities.
  • Rephrase thesis: Make the necessary adjustments to your thesis to get rid of any instances of plagiarism. Rephrase the detected entries, being sure to use your own natural language to convey the ideas. Use the correct citation styles to give due credit to the original authors or sources of any material or ideas you use.
  • Glocal University Paper Writing and publication process
  • Keep the headers distinct by using a font size that is no larger than Times New Roman 14 for the entire text, and keep all of the headings at the same level by using the same font and style.
  • The chapter titles should still be in the center, so keep the headings oriented to the left.
  • If requested, numbering for the headings and subheadings must be provided.

Glocal University Conference and presentation 

  • In order to foster cooperation and innovation in the field of intellectual property (IP) protection, the International Conference on Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights strives to promote worldwide conversation among stakeholders in academia, business, and government. The goal of the conference is to examine the potential and problems that come from IP usage and its effects on the economy, industry, and society.
  • The conference's main goals are to pinpoint the most recent developments in the public and commercial sectors' use of intellectual property and to investigate how to maximize the advantages that people and organizations may gain from the creation of successful IP strategies. The conference will also give attendees the chance to learn more about the legal systems in place in various nations that control the use of intellectual property.
  • Finally, in order to strengthen international cooperation and collaboration on the subject of intellectual property, the conference will facilitate the sharing of information and perspectives among participating nations. Additionally, it will act as a forum for the sharing of opinions and knowledge about how to improve IP protection in both developed and developing nations.

Glocal University Thesis Submission Guide line

  1. After the study is complete, the PhD thesis is written in accordance with the guidelines.
  2. The teachers strongly suggest the students to follow the format.
  3. At the time of DRC, three copies of the synopsis should be supplied. Four copies of the Synopsis must be supplied within 15 days of incorporating any amendments indicated by the DRC members.
  4. The Thesis should ideally not exceed 250 printed pages in length.
  5. The recommended upper limit for the overall number of references is 200.
  6. The Thesis must be delivered in four hardbound copies for review.
  7. After integrating the revisions recommended by the examiners, two hardbound copies of the thesis must be submitted to the academic division within one month following the viva-voce examination if it is determined to be eligible for the award of the PhD degree.
  8. The final copy of the thesis must be handed to the guide and co-guides.
  9. The Institute Library should also receive a final copy of the thesis.


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