Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Address, Admission, Phone Number, Fees, Reviews

  • 2023-10-17 12:33:31
The school was established in 1999.

Unique Shiksha Niketan School is a Co-ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

It is managed by Unique Education Society.

Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Info

School NameUnique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa
Short Name-
AddressRed Road Ladwa, Kurukshetra, Haryana-136132

Click Here

Email[email protected]

Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Quick Facts

OwnershipPrivate Unaided
Affiliation Number531705
Affiliation Period01 Apr 2019 - 31 Mar 2022
Affiliation TypeGeneral
Highest GradeSecondary
Year of Opening1999

Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Academics

Medium(s) of InstructionEnglish

Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Facilities & Events

Activities and Events
Annual Day/FestHandwriting Competition
Music CompetitionSports Day
Educational ToursDancing Activity/Competition
Drawing CompetitionArt & Craft
Festival Celebrations

Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Social Links


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Unique Shiksha Niketan School, Ladwa Gallery


Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Activities

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Art And Craft

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Awareness Camps

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Cultural Event Celebrations

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Dance Activity

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Event Celebrations

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Fest

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Festival Celebrations

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Labs

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Projects

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Quiz

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Rangoli Activity

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Sports

Unique Shiksha Niketan School-Students

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