After leaving fans thrilled and eager with Shraddha Kapoor, Sidharth Malhotra and Riteish Deshmukh with Ek Villain released in 2014, Mohit Suri is back with the second installment of the action thriller. Named Ek Villain Returns, the film has a new star cast of Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria, Disha Patani and John Abraham. Recently, the team has been teasing fans with interesting posters of Ek Villain Returns including the famous Ek Villain smiley mask. And now, after creating a lot of buzz, the makers have finally released the trailer of Ek Villain Returns.
Ek Villain Returns Movie Review, Facts, Story, Box-Office and Much More
After leaving fans thrilled and eager with Shraddha Kapoor, Sidharth Malhotra and Riteish Deshmukh with Ek Villain released in 2014, Mohit Suri is back with the second installment of the action thriller. Named Ek Villain Returns, the film has a new star cast of Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria, Disha Patani and John Abraham. Recently, the team has been teasing fans with interesting posters of Ek Villain Returns including the famous Ek Villain smiley mask. And now, after creating a lot of buzz, the makers have finally released the trailer of Ek Villain Returns.