Sabhyata The School is a Co-ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
It is managed by Pandit Hari Narayan Shastri Educational Society.
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Info
School Name | Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad |
Short Name | - |
Address | Mohanpur, Pipeline Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201003 |
Website | Click Here
Phone | 09958880858 |
Email | [email protected] |
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Quick Facts
Board | CBSE |
Ownership | Private Unaided |
Gender | Co-ed |
Affiliation Number | 2133581 |
Affiliation Period | 01 Apr 2021 -
31 Mar 2023 |
Affiliation Type | General |
Highest Grade | Secondary |
Year of Opening | 2010 |
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Academics
Medium(s) of Instruction | English |
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Facilities & Events
Drinking Water | Toilet facilities |
Availability of Blackboards | Classroom |
Labs | Library |
IT Infrastructure | Indoor Games |
Activities and Events
Drama | Debate And Discussion |
Creative Writing | Recitation Competition |
Annual Day/Fest | Sports Day |
Extra-Curricular Activities | Art & Craft |
Festival Celebrations |
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Social Links
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad Gallery
Sabhyata The School-Campus View
Sabhyata The School-Campus View1
Sabhyata The School-Classroom
Sabhyata The School-Dance
Sabhyata The School-IT Lab
Sabhyata The School-Lab
Sabhyata The School-Play Ground
Sabhyata The School-Play Room
Sabhyata The School-Prize Distribution
Sabhyata The School-Yoga
Sabhyata The School, Ghaziabad - Overview Of School
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