AIBE - All India Bar Examination Details

  • 2022-07-21 17:21:16

To take the written test, candidates must read the whole AIBE (XVII) 2022 Eligibility Criteria in this article. The Bar Council of India (BCI) will conduct the AIBE, which is a national level test. The AIBE is the prerequisite for obtaining a "Certificate of Practice" in the legal professions. The Bar Council of India will assess an advocate's capacity to practise law in India. It presented the certificate to applicants who passed the AIBE examination. We have published the whole AIBE Eligibility 2022 in this post.



Paper 1


 All India Bar Examination (AIBE)


 19 subjects.

Mode of Conduction

 Pen-and-paper exam


- Importantly, the exam is no longer an open-book exam.


 3.5 hours

Exam Frequency

 Once or Twice a year

Total Registrants for Previous session


Official Website

Total Marks


Total Questions Asked

 100 objective-type questions.

Total Questions to be Answered


Marking Scheme

 There is no negative marking in AIBE.

Negative Marking


Medium of paper



Eligibility Criteria:

·         Candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements in order to take AIBE:

·         Education: Candidates must have completed a three- or five-year LLB degree from a recognised institution or institute.

·         AIBE Exam Dates 2021ncils: Enrollment with the State Bar Council Under Section 24 (1) (f) of the Advocates Act, 1961, candidates must be registered as advocates with their respective State Bar Councils.

·         Age bar: There is no upper or lower age limit

2022 Exam Dates:

Last date of payment:

1st week of May 2022

Last date of form submission:

1st week of May 2022

Release of admit card:

2nd week of May 2022

AIBE exam date:

Last week of May 2022

Exam Updates 2022:

Release of admit card:

2nd week of May 2022

AIBE exam date:

Last week of May 2022

Application Form 2022:

Candidates must read the following information about the AIBE (17) Application Form:

·         The application form for AIBE (17) will be available online.

·         From January 2022, candidates will be able to fill out an application form.

·         The deadline for submitting an application is the first week of May 2022.

·         Candidates must include a valid/working email address and phone number while filling out the application form, since this is where all crucial information will be sent.

·         Candidates must provide a passport-size picture and signature in the format specified.

·         There is no need to transmit a paper copy of the completed application form for future reference.

·         Candidates must save a printout of their completed application form for future reference.

Exam Application Fee 2022:

·         The AIBE (17) application fee will be paid in person.

·         The application cost for applicants in the General/OBC category would be Rs. 3560/-.

·         Candidates in the reserved category must pay a fee of Rs. 2500/-.

·         In any event, the application cost is non-refundable.

Exam 2022: What’s New?

AIBE 2022 will take place in the month of May 2022 and will be held in an offline format. Every year, the AIBE (All India Bar Examination) is held to assess an advocate's eligibility to practise law in India. Students who pass this test will get a "Certificate of Practice" from BCI.

Exam Pattern:

Exam duration:

3 hours 30 minutes

Test medium:

11 languages


19 law subjects

Total questions:

100 questions


·         Constitutional Law

·         I.P.C (Indian Penal Code)

·         Cr.P.C (Criminal Procedure Code) and C.P.C (Code of Civil Procedure)

·         Evidence Act

·         Alternative Dispute Redressal including Arbitration Act

·         Family Law

·         Administrative Law

·         Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional Misconduct under BCI rules

·         Company Law

·         Cyber Law

·         Labour & Industrial Laws

·         Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Act and Consumer Protection Law

·         Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Property Laws, Negotiable Instrument Act

·         Land Acquisition Act

·         Intellectual Property Laws

·         Law related to Taxation

·         Environmental Law

·         Public Interest Litigation

Preparation Tips:

·         be well-versed with the material and exam format.

·         Make a study schedule that works for you.

·         Read the top AIBE study guides.

·         Keep track of crucial legal decisions.

·         Examine AIBE question papers from previous years.

Exam Time Table:

·         The application form will be accessible over the internet. The registration fee must be paid before the first week of May 2022. Print a copy of the application for future reference.

·         Candidates who successfully complete the application form may obtain their admit card by downloading it. From the second week of May 2022, AIBE (17) admission cards will be available.

·       The written test will take place in the last week of May 2022. In the first week of April 2022, the AIBE 2022 answer key will be made available online. In June 2022, the AIBE (17) 2022 result will be available.

Exam Reservation:

They should also be aware that the number of tries for AIBE is unrestricted. The AIBE test can be taken as many times as necessary. Also there is no reservation for reservation for candidates.

Answer Key:

Go to and click on the AIBE 15 answer key 2022 or AIBE 16 answer key 2022 link to obtain the AIBE answer key 2022.

Cut Off:

General and OBC category:

36 marks

40% of total marks i.e. 91 marks

SC and ST:

31 marks

35% of total marks i.e. 91 marks

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the AIBE 2022 minimum qualifying mark for each category?

To qualify in the AIBE 2022 test, general category students need to earn 40 percent marks, while SC/ST category candidates require 35 percent marks. Only once the final answer key is available will the matching marks be known. If a question is removed, for example, the qualifying marks may be reduced, as in past years.

When will the certificate of participation be issued?

Candidates who pass the AIBE test can get a Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) from their individual State Bar Councils. The CoP is usually provided 6-7 months after the test has been completed.

What happens if I do not pass the AIBE 2022 exam?

Candidates who do not pass the AIBE test should not be discouraged because there is no limit to the number of attempts they may make. As a result, they may resurface in the AIBE exam's future edition. Also, while the paper is not particularly tough, if one prepares with a little bit of care, they will almost certainly pass the test.

Is it possible for me to practise law in a courtroom if I pass the AIBE 2022 exam?

Yes, candidates who qualify in the bar examination become eligible to practice in a court of law. However, all qualifying applicants must get the CoP certificate upon graduation, as it will be required to practise law.

What is the procedure for downloading the Aibe XVI results?

To download AIBE (16) 2022 results, go to the result portal, and click on the result link. Fill in your registration number and date of birth in the login window.

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