About Bus
Specifications of Tata
LP 913 CNG
Max Torque |
405 Nm at 1250-1500 rpm |
Max Power |
126.8 bhp at 2500 rpm |
Displacement (cc) |
5675 cc |
Fuel Type |
Diesel |
Tata LP 913 CNG Price
Delhi |
? |
Mumbai |
? |
Gujarat |
? |
Haryana |
? |
Tata LP 913 CNG Bus Performance
Mileage Highway |
? |
Turning Radius (mm) |
8750 |
Gearbox |
5-Speed |
Max Speed (km/h) |
No |
Engine |
TATA 5.7 SGI BS-IV ENGINE; Water cooled sequential gas injection CNG
engine; 5675 cc |
Gradeability (%) |
? |
Top Speed |
? |
Transmission |
GBS-40, 5 forward + 1 reverse |
Max Torque |
405 Nm at 1250-1500 rpm |
Max Power |
126.8 bhp at 2500 rpm |
Acceleration |
No |
Chasis Platform |
No |
Clutch |
330 mm |
Displacement (cc) |
5675 cc |
Emission Norms |
Engine Cylinders |
No |
Fuel Tank (Litres) |
636 Ltr |
Fuel Type |
Diesel |
Mileage City |
? |
Tata LP 913 CNG Bus
Yes |
Parking Brakes |
Yes |
Power Steering |
Yes |
Tubeless Tyres |
Yes |
Seat Belts |
Yes |
Front Brakes |
AIR brake |
Rear Brakes |
AIR brake |
Fog Lights |
Yes |
Front Axle |
No |
Hill Hold |
No |
Rear Axle |
No |
Front Suspension |
Semi elliptical or parabolic leaf spring |
Rear Suspension |
Hydraulic double acting telescopic type |
Tata LP 913 CNG Bus
Design & Build
Overall Height (mm) |
No |
Chassis Type |
No |
Overall Length (mm) |
8895 |
Axle Configuration |
No |
Front Overhang (mm) |
1292 |
Ground Clearance (mm) |
No |
Kerb Weight (kgs) |
No |
Payload(kgs) |
No |
Rear Overhang (mm) |
2700 |
Wheelbase (mm) |
4920 mm |
Floor Type |
No |
Front Tyre |
8.25 x 16 -16 PR |
GVW / GCW (Kgs) |
9600 kg |
No Of Seats |
Driver only |
Rear Tyre |
8.25 x 16 -16 PR |
Seating Layout |
No |
Body Option |
Chassis |
Engine Location |
Front |
Overall Width (mm) |
2200 |
Tata LP 913 CNG Bus
A/C |
No |
Cruise Control |
No |
Navigation System |
No |
Driver Information Display |
Yes |
Adjustable Driver Seat |
Yes |
Tiltable Steering |
Yes |
Arm-rest |
No |
Seat Type |
No |
Steering |
Power Steering |
Tata LP 913 CNG Bus Others
Lights |
Yes |
Luggage Boot |
Yes |
Alternator (Amps) |
150 |
Battery (Volts) |
24 |
Emergency Exit |
Yes |
Emergency Start |
No |
Entertainment Package |
Yes |
Optional Fitments |
No |
Passenger Door |
Yes |
Side Windows |
Yes |
First Aid Kit |
Yes |
Hatrack |
Yes |